January 8

Male Teachers

The shortage of male teachers is a topic that has been heavily discussed in the education system, especially in the last few years. I constantly hear that the job market is flooded with teachers looking for employment, and that it will be a few years until many will be able to find work. Yet, when I tell people that I am pursuing my dream of becoming an elementary school teacher, they reply with, “You’re male and you want to teach at the elementary level – You won’t have any trouble finding a job!”

If this is the case, I often wonder where all the male teachers are? Do they not want to work with children? Is the salary too low? I was born with the passion of teaching, but maybe I’m a rare breed?

The image below really puts the topic of male teachers into perspective; their prevalence in schools, why the numbers are so low, and what the system can do to correct this imbalance.

Male Teachers

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Posted January 8, 2015 by Spencer in category "Education System", "Personal", "Teaching

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